Managing Chronic Neck Pain

Acute neck pain is generally felt suddenly after some kind of trauma like an accident, surgery, or undue stress. But only lasts Man with chronic neck painfor a short period of time. It is a direct reaction to trauma to tissue or disease and normally subsides when you treat the injury, disease, or cause. Chronic neck pain on the other hand, is a long lasting, persistent, and recurrent pain that can go on for many years. Pinpointing the source of the chronic pain is the first step in evaluating and treating chronic neck pain and other long lasting pain. You should not ignore any persistent pain including chronic neck pain, since it can be an indication of a serious illness or disease. And moreover, it can become worse if the cause is not determined and treated, although there are times when doctors and specialists cannot identify the exact cause of chronic pain.

Managing and treating chronic neck pain can be difficult and challenging. It often takes several combinations of therapy or treatment to find one that helps a person get some relief. Treatment goals are to increase a person’s ability to function while reducing pain. At home, you may be able to help manage or control your pain by eating a proper, healthy, balanced diet. A registered dietitian or your doctor can supply you with a diet that contains all the vitamins and minerals you require. Getting adequate sleep, appropriate daily exercise, and taking natural supplements for your pain and inflammation often helps chronic neck pain sufferers. Some people find relief by using therapies such as meditation or acupuncture. Many people dealing with chronic neck pain may experience emotional problems such as anxiety, anger, depression, fear, frustration, or a combination thereof, making it difficult to deal with or conquer the pain. Your emotional well-being is extremely important so it’s a good idea to seek the help of a psychiatrist, psychologist, or licensed mental health counselor if necessary, for cognitive behavior therapy or other treatments.

Woman with chronic neck pain

If the above treatments do not reduce or relieve your chronic neck pain, your doctor or specialist may prescribe physical therapy to improve function and movement. They may recommend relaxation techniques to help you reduce stress. It is extremely important to find a doctor or specialist that you feel comfortable talking to, have confidence in, and maintain regular contact. Ask your physician to refer you to a pain management clinic if the current treatments for your chronic neck pain are not effective. The health professionals at a pain management clinic will help you identify possible treatments to help you find relief from your chronic neck pain.


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