Pain Killers And Constipation

Okay, the title may sound a bit funny, but it’s no joke. In general, the over-the-counter pain killers, such as Tylenol or Aleve are not the culprit. However, prescription drugs which are opium-based are the culprits. Long-term use of such narcotics can be detrimental to the human body. And, short-term usage of such drugs are known to cause constipation. These pain killers, also known as opioids and opiates, go by the name of codeine, oxycodone or morphine. So why do such drugs cause constipation? Read on and find out what the folks at the Medical News Today are saying about it …


Pain Killer & Constipation connection


All About Opioids and Opioid-Induced Constipation (OIC)

What is constipation?
Constipation can be defined as a decrease in the frequency of passing formed stools. The condition also may be characterized by stools that are hard and difficult to pass.

What causes constipation?
Constipation may be the result of inadequate fiber intake, inadequate fluid intake, or a lack of physical activity. It may also be caused by disease or ailments such as diabetes, intestinal obstruction, spinal cord compression, excessive calcium levels, a lack of potassium, or kidney problems. A third cause of constipation is pharmacologically based. That is, constipation is a side-effect of drugs that are used to treat various diseases and pain, such as the opioids given to cancer patients.

How do opioids cause constipation?
Opioids are effective pain relievers, but often have the side effect of constipation. These medicines affect the gastrointestinal tract in a variety of ways.”

Read more …

Just reading about how these prescription, opium-based pain killer drugs induce constipation is pretty scary. Can you imagine a prolonged usage of those types of drugs? Relieving pain is great, but getting constipation is not fun. If a drug can some how slow the movement of food along your digestive tract, at the same time dry out your intestines, and interfere with the urge to move your bowels, then that’s pretty scary. There are options you may want to consider, such as natural pain relievers. But we are all unique, and respond differently to natural pain relievers. It’s up to you to do your due diligence, and do what is right for you. That said, feel free to check out some of the natural pain killers on this site.



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