Tag Archives: painkiller

FDA Approves A Mega Opioid Painkiller!

This powerful opioid-based painkiller is called Hysingla ER, and the ER stands for “Extended Release”. That said, it’s a narcotic that is to provide pain relief, while releasing a certain portion of hydrocodone over a 24-hour period. And moreover, the … Continue reading

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Long-Term Opioid Use For Pain Relief Not Good?

A previous blog post on this website talked about how the U.S. was becoming a painkiller nation. That post discussed how strong painkiller drugs were being prescribed at alarming rates. Now there are some ripples around the medical community stating … Continue reading

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5 Things To Be Wary Of With Heating Pads

Heating pads are great because they provide that nice, soothing warmth which reduces back pain and muscle aches all over your body. It is proven that the impact of heat on pain is real. In fact, studies have shown that … Continue reading

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Is The U.S. Becoming A PainKiller Nation?

Remember the Sci-Fi Channel’s made for TV movie and the TV show “PainKiller Jane“?  I thought it was a pretty cool concept to have this invincibility to injury and death, though Jane Vasco, the heroine in the show, did feel … Continue reading

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