All Cooped Up At Home

Hello. How are you doing? I hope all is well with you. Being cooped up at home is not the most ideal situation, especially if you need to move your body a bit to get that circulation going for some pain relief. The more you remain inactive at home, the worse you may feel, both physically and emotionally. That said, please do take advantage of the 7-day workout video on the Free Workout Videos page on this web site. I hope you can carve out a block of time for the day to view the videos and get some exercise. And … what you do with your remaining free time at home could be doubly important.

While being cooped up at home, I understand you will have a lot of time to yourself. And with it comes our responsibility to use it for our good. One example is using a part of the time to get your exercise and workouts in. You can view workout videos, do chores around the house, and even organize your living area or rooms that you have put off for a while. I heard some people are cooking up a storm and donating meals to neighbors or even pumping out face masks with their sewing machines and giving them out for free. And yes, after all that, you may find that you still have some idle time for yourself.

It’s at this time when your mind could be vulnerable to negative thoughts. It’s easy for your mind to dwell on things it shouldn’t. Especially getting yourself all worked up and worried about stuff that hasn’t happened yet. While we deal with this unknown and invisible threat (aka Covid-19), it’s understandable that fear can creep up on us from all angles. And fear, if it becomes overbearing will definitely lead to stress, which is not good.

I saw a Brian Rose (of London Real fame) interview with Dr. Bruce Lipton recently on YouTube, and it was eye-opening. Dr. Lipton, explained how the fear and stress connection affects our immune system, and you can say that he paved the way for epigenetics. In a nutshell, epigenetics says “you are in charge of your DNA”, which is the opposite of the common thinking that “I am who I am because of my genetics”. It’s a pretty wild bit of info to wrap your mind around, huh? Below is a YouTube video which displays a portion of the Brian Rose interview with Dr. Lipton:

Were you able to view the entire video? I understand that it was a long video, however, it was packed with lots of valuable info and it was a fascinating interview. Unfortunately, the YouTube video is just a portion of the interview, and you’ll need to go to the London Real website to view the rest of the interview. You may need to subscribe to access the resources on the website, however, it’s free and only requires you to provide your email address.

In the YouTube video, Dr. Lipton mentioned that the most dangerous part of Covid-19 is fear, and the news of rampant death attached to it. He explained that fear is a mechanism that changes your biology, “the chemistry of the blood”, putting us into the fight or flight survival mode, as stress hormones are produced. And stress hormones are very effective in shutting down your immune system. In a simplistic view, fear generates stress, which negatively affects your immune system. As Dr. Liptop described when under stress your stress hormones re-routes the energy to other parts of your body to deal with the survival mode situation, leaving your immune system with little to no energy to function. That’s a significant piece of info, especially if you need to combat pain relief in addition to Covid-19.

Dr. Liptop mentioned that it’s best to maintain a healthy body and lifestyle during these challenging times. He went on to say the following:

  • Eat healthy and take care of your nutrition
  • Take vitamins and supplements (especially vitamin C)
  • Think good thoughts

And here’s info from another uber-intelligent and inspirational individual, Gregg Bradden, who also explains the stress-immune system connection. He said to slow your breathing … a few breaths slower than usual. That tells your body that you are in a safe place, and it energizes your immune system since it frees you from the fight or flight stressed-induced mechanism.

If at all possible, please watch the remaining interview of Dr. Lipton from the London Real website. He imparts to us an amazing message of hope, inspiration and wisdom blended with his scientific and medical knowledge and his valuable experience. I’m sure you’ll be inspired by what he refers to as creating heaven on earth.

Please be safe and stay the course of living a healthy lifestyle.


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