Vibroacoustic Electro Magnetic and Infrared Therapy

A few weeks ago on the Sunday paper, one of the article’s title caught my eye, and it was called “Sleep Tourism”. I have heard of eco-tourism but not sleep tourism. And after reading the small print under the article’s picture – it mentioned Vibroacoustic Electro Magnetic and Infrared Therapy (VEMI) – I decided to give that article a read. And before we continue, I want to let you know that I am not a medical professional and what follows is not medical advice. It is my hope that the following information interests you, and serves as a spring board for your own research.

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It was an interesting article; however, it did not mention anything about VEMI, other than a one-liner about a journalist’s experience at “The Carillon Miami Wellness Resort [which] offers spa treatments that include … VEMI”. Unfortunately, it did not get into the nuts and bolts of VEMI. So here are some things I found out about it.

VEMI is a holistic approach that combines multiple treatment methods to promote healing and wellness on various levels. This integrated approach can provide comprehensive support for various health issues, including chronic pain, musculoskeletal disorders, stress-related conditions, and rehabilitation after injury or surgery.

  1. Vibroacoustic Therapy (VAT):
    • VAT involves the use of low-frequency vibrations, usually ranging from 30 Hz to 120 Hz, to stimulate the body’s tissues and cells.
    • These vibrations are often delivered through specialized mats, recliners, or platforms equipped with transducers that produce the vibrations.
    • The vibrations can penetrate deep into the body, reaching muscles, tendons, ligaments, and even organs.
    • VAT is believed to induce a range of physiological responses, including muscle relaxation, improved circulation, reduced pain perception, and stress reduction.
    • It is commonly used in rehabilitation settings, pain management programs, and relaxation therapies.
  2. Electro Magnetic Therapy (EMT):
    • EMT utilizes electromagnetic fields to interact with the body’s own electromagnetic field and influence cellular activity.
    • Devices used in EMT therapy emit controlled electromagnetic pulses, which can penetrate tissues and stimulate cellular processes.
    • EMT is thought to regulate cellular metabolism, reduce inflammation, promote tissue regeneration, and alleviate pain.
    • This therapy has applications in treating various musculoskeletal disorders, inflammatory conditions, and wound healing.
  3. Infrared Therapy:
    • Infrared therapy utilizes infrared light, which has wavelengths longer than visible light but shorter than radio waves, to penetrate the skin and heat the body’s tissues.
    • The heat generated by infrared light stimulates the widening of blood vessels, increasing blood flow to the treated area and promoting tissue repair.
    • Infrared therapy is known for its ability to relieve pain, reduce inflammation, improve circulation, and accelerate healing.
    • It is commonly used in pain management, rehabilitation, sports medicine, and cosmetic treatments.
  4. Integration and Synergy:
    • When combined in VEMI therapy, these methods (VAT, EMT and infrared therapy) complement each other, enhancing the overall therapeutic effects.
    • The vibrations from vibroacoustic therapy can help loosen tight muscles and improve circulation, while electromagnetic pulses from EMT target specific areas of concern, and infrared heat penetrates deep to promote tissue repair and pain relief.


In a nutshell …

VAT involves the use of low-frequency vibrations, typically delivered through specialized mats or platforms, to stimulate the body’s tissues and cells. These vibrations can help relax muscles, alleviate pain, and improve circulation.

EMT utilizes electromagnetic fields to target specific areas of the body. By applying controlled electromagnetic pulses, EMT aims to reduce inflammation, promote tissue regeneration, and regulate cellular activity.

Infrared therapy involves the use of infrared light to penetrate the skin and stimulate cellular metabolism. This can lead to various benefits such as pain relief, improved circulation, and enhanced tissue repair.

When combined, these therapeutic methods work synergistically to address a wide range of health issues, including chronic pain, inflammation, musculoskeletal disorders, and stress-related conditions. VEMI therapy sessions are typically administered by trained professionals and can be tailored to individual needs and preferences.

To Your Success & Freedom,

Glenn Shimabukuro

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